Normally when thinking about your IRS, you should consider doing it in 3 stages!
Confirmation of Invoices and Receipts
Consultation and Complaint of general and Family expenses
Submitting the final IRS
The period for the registration and confirmation of invoices and receipts on the Finance Portal* is closed, now begins a new stage of payment of the IRS for 2021: the period of consultation and complaint of general and family expenses, as well as the expenses entitled to deduct VAT by the requirement of the invoice, communicated to the Tax and Customs Authority (AT**).
At the end of this period, taxpayers may start thinking about the delivery of the IRS itself, which begins on the 1st of April.
In order to facilitate and understand the procedure of submitting your IRS, the Tax and Customs Authority has made available an informative, complete and illustrative document, which contains everything you need to know for this delivery that begins as early as next month. Click here to view the document
This is a 19-page information document, which includes the various topics on the submition of the IRS, with several links that link to the respective pages of the subjects. For example; How to submit your IRS statement over the Internet? How to resolve discrepancies found by AT** after the IRS declaration has been submitted?
To access other informative documents you need to go to Portal das Finanças (, click on 'Destaques e Atualidades', 'Apoio ao Contribuinte', 'Infoirmação Útil', 'Folhetos Informativos', or you can click here.
Download this document and share it with your contacts so that, from April 1 to June 30, nothing is left unfilled and there is no doubt in the delivery of your IRS.
*Portal das Finanças
** Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira