The beginning of the school enrollment period for the upcoming academic year 2023–2024 has already taken place. Preferably, enrollment or renewal applications should be submitted electronically using the school enrollment portal by the deadlines established for each academic year.
This post is for you if you plan to enroll your child in preschool and secondary school as well as register them for classes. We jave created a calendar with all the enrollment deadlines you need to be aware of, and we have also included instructions on how to handle these procedures.
School enrollment calendar
These are the dates that you should be aware of if you're enrolling your child for the first time in preschool and first grade, or if they're moving up to the fifth, seventh, tenth, or twelveth grades:
Grade Level / Year | Registration / Renewal |
Pre-school education and 1st year of schooling | 15th April to 15th May |
Grades 6-9 and 11th | 22nd June to 28th June |
2nd to 5th grade | 6th July to 10th July |
10th and 12th grade | 15th July to 20th July |
According to a note from the Ministry of Education, enrollment renewal is typically automatic in the years of continuity of cycles, which are the second, third, fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and eleventh years of schooling, provided there are no changes in guardian, course, or training path, or the need to select subjects.
Dates of school enrolment: in which cases do they apply?
It is crucial to be aware that depending on the year the student will enroll, different enrollment deadlines apply. In any event, it is crucial to understand when the deadlines are applicable:
Private and cooperative educational institutions with association contracts;
Other education and/or training institutions, in particular publicly supported private vocational schools;
Clusters of schools and non-grouped schools of the public network.
Documents for school enrollment in Portugal
The enrollment, or renewal of the enrollment in the school, must be completed preferably online through the enrollment portal, where you must submit information like:
your identification document and that of the learner;
a digital photograph of the student;
the NIF (Tax Identification Number) and the Social Security Identification Number (NISS) of both.
There are additional documents you could be required to produce along the procedure, such as a proof of address for the area where you reside, which can be received via the Finance Portal if it is not already inserted by reading your citizen card or digital mobile key.
School enrollment: how to fill it out?
To begin with, you must go to the enrollment portal and select the profile "Login of the Person in Charge of Education" in order to register or renew. Select the enrollment year after that.

After that, proceed to the login page and enter your Finance Portal, Digital Mobile Key, or Citizen Card credentials.

To enroll or renew, choose "Enrollment (Matriculas)" from the menu after logging in. You can also select "Transfer (Transferencia)” if you want to leave school.

Select "New Registration or Renewal" if you have chosen the "Registrations" option.

To finish or renew the registration, you must next complete the following steps:
Consent - State whether or not you agree to the necessary collection and processing of your personal data.
Enter your details under "Parent Data"
General Student Data: In this phase, you must enter your student's information.
Enrollment Information - Include details about your student's circumstances from the previous school year and the one you wish to enroll him in. You should also list the colleges you choose in the order of preference at this point. Only five schools at most may be selected.
Attach the necessary supporting documentation as proof so that the school services can verify or validate the information provided. You can move on to the following step by clicking the "Next" button after attaching the necessary papers and saving your modifications.
At each step of the register creation or renewal procedure, confirm the completed data. The registration or renewal of the same can then be submitted.

You can print or download your proof in PDF format after submitting your school registration or renewal.
Student placement list: when do you know?
On the following dates, the list of students admitted for the 2023–2024 academic year will be available:
Grade Level / Year | Date of placement disclosure |
Preschool and 1st grade | 3rd July 2023 |
Remaining years of primary and secondary education | 3rd August 2023 |
The official calendar for the upcoming school year, including the start and end dates as well as the dates of the required Christmas, Carnival, and Easter vacations, will be made public over the summer.
1st Period
Start: between 12 and 15 September 2023
End: 15 December 2023
2nd Period
Start: January 3, 2024
End: March 22, 2024
3rd Period
Start: April 8, 2024
End: 4 June 2024 – 9th, 11th and 12th graders.
14 June 2024 – 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th grade students.
28 June 2024 – pre-school and 1st cycle students (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades).
*All photos were taken from Portal das Matriculas